Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blaine and Drake and the Beaches of Maui

One exciting benefit of being a grandparent is watching a grandchild experience something wonderful for the first time. Over an extended spring break earlier in March, Alice and I had the opportunity to share a trip to Maui with Erin and her boys. The number of times the Erin, Alice and I have been to Maui are many now; but, not counting a trip when Blaine was 4 months old, this was their first real experience with the Island and, more specifically, the Pacific Ocean. It was great fun to watch them taste it, feel the power of it, and begin to appreciate the beauty and life of the ocean. I think we visited over a dozen different beaches during our stay.
Dancing with the waves on their first day on Maui (Kamehamehi Iki park, Lahaina)

They got braver as the morning went along

Trekking to Black Rock on Kaanapali Beach

Even Blaine slowed down at times to just sit and watch the waves come in
(Oheo gulch)

Tide pools proved one of the best ways to explore ocean life (Honukeana Bay)

Sunset at "Canoe" Beach(Hanakao'o beach), Lanai in the background

Blaine told his mom he was going to move to Maui when he was 12. I should be retired by then; Good planning Blaine!


  1. Looks like Blaine had a great b-day. I'm not sure-retired,Maui sounds great/with a 12 year old? V

  2. Great pictures....Thanks for sharing, Tom! Blaine and Drake are such grown up little boys at this point. Our crew loves the beach as mid April, we will have all of them with us in Naples for the week. It will be chaotic but lots of fun and will no doubt include plenty of "teachable moments." We may need a vacation afterwords, however ;-)
