Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Three Websites Worth Checking out

I wanted to share three websites that I've found that I check daily and provide me some information, news, and enjoyment.

One I've made reference to before is TED.(www.TED.com) If you enjoy being intellectually stimulated by experts in the field of technology, entertainment and design; you'll find yourself returning often to the site to see what new 15-20 minute presentations have been posted. A variety of topics that will stretch and stimulate your thinking are available. I like the way you can re-order the speakers based on different criteria (topic, "most-emailed", "most awe inspiring", etc).

The Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/) is an online source of news and opinions. If your politics leans towards the progressive side; you'll find the Post a interesting source of ideas and opinions that you may find yourself in nodding agreement with or at least recognize a perspective that you may not have considered before.

Pandora (www.Pandora.com) is an internet radio site. A free (which is always a bonus) program that is derived from the Music Genome Project. Like the Human DNA Genome project that mapped the human DNA, the music genome project attempts to catalog the DNA of all music and find common threads shared by artists and songs. At Pandora you can create multiple stations based on your music preference. You can start a radio station of a broad category (folk singers) or start with a performer (James Taylor). It will then play similar artists that share similar musical DNA. There's a lot more about the site that is fun and can add to your enjoyment of the music besides just sitting and listening for hours to music you enjoy. In this case, opening pandora's box is an enjoyable experience.
20 somethings are probably very familiar with Pandora, but they may not have shared it with their grandparents yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mr. Blaine! (Maybe eventually I can call you by your first name.) I get my news from Huffington Post. My favorite Sunday morning sites are postsecret.com and then reading the wedding articles in the New York Times. :-)

    I'm going to check out the TED website. I've tried to increase my tech credentials (official librarian soon, you know) so I read Wired magazine but it's still so much Greek to me.

    Oh and here's another favorite: http://www.timesspellingbee.co.uk/ My husband and I have quite the competition going now with the spelling bee!
