Saturday, April 18, 2009

Zen and the Art of Moving: Part One

I am an educational nomad.

Since my first teaching job and our move to Alden, Iowa in 1972; we have moved and lived in 6 different towns in the next 37 years. Sometimes we even moved while living in a particular town; so the number of times we've actually moved is closer to 10. We are preparing to move again to Des Moines: our 7th town. You'd think with all of that experience, we'd have the art of moving down pat.

Any list of life's stressful events always has "moving" as one of those events that can add a lot of stress to your life. To try to counter that stress I've been reading different articles about Zen.

Some of the Zen articles talk about "decluttering" your life. Our Realtor was talking about decluttering also. "Decluttering" is realtor talk for you have "too much stuff". I have a feeling that Zen masters don't see decluttering to mean dragging things off the dresser and stuffing them into drawers. The back seats and trunks of our cars were filled with our "declutter" as we tried to make the house look like no one lived in it.

I know some of you have lived in basically the same house and town for most of your adult lives; but some of you have been even more extreme in your moving; bouncing from one side of the country to the other.

So any hints you have to help me survive this move will be appreciated.


  1. Throw things away! when I learn how I will let you know. Vic

  2. You can take pictures of things if you like the memories it brings to mind, but don't really have a use for the "thing" anymore. I've heard that before, but haven't actually tried it.

    Here's a list of what to ask when deciding about something:

    Do I love this item?
    Have I used it in the past year?
    Is it really garbage?
    Do I have another one that is better?
    Should I really keep two?
    Does it have sentimental value that causes me to love it?
    Or does it give me guilt and make me sad when I see the item?

    Cleanse this room of everything that does not make you SMILE

  3. Get rid of all (well, maybe most) things plastic, as well as any boxes you have not unpacked since your last move. Either you don't need what's inside them, or if you were saving something "for the kids," now is the time to give it to them, as they are no longer kids! Make your decisions, then experience the instant lightening of the spirit for having done so. DO NOT SECOND GUESS YOURSELF!

  4. I am the wrong person to ask. I don't like clutter and have been known to throw away things I now wish I had (like my year books from high school). So I suggest you give yourself plenty of time to sort through the maze of boxes, a box of tissue to wipe away the tears (of laughter of course)and a bottle (or two) of wine to celebrate. GOOD LUCK.
